Sunday, February 26, 2017

President Trump Calls It - Keith Ellison ROBBED!

Whether you choose to believe it or not - Donald Trump & Bernie Sanders were both revolutionary candidates in 2016. Trump, for the republicans, & Bernie, for the democrats. Trump wasn't really a republican; he's always been on his own page. Sander wasn't really democrat, in fact he only registered as such to run, then the very next day after the DNC Convention, switched back to independent. The fundamental difference between the two men, is that with Trump, all bets were off. He refused to play establishment ball. He knew he was more popular than his adversaries & if the GOP screwed him, he'd run independent. Bernie, however, played nice with the DNC, refused pleas from Dr. Jill Stein to create progressive alternative ticket, & lost the nomination that would have undeniably led to his election as the 45th President of the United States.

That same "playing it nice" approach has led to the second major defeat of progressives in the Democratic Party, with the defeat of Keith Ellison. As President Trump correctly points out, the election was rigged! The same way Bernie got screwed, now Ellison gets screwed. 

Believe me, agreeing with President Trump is not at the top my Things I'd Like To Do List; however, as a progressive, I speak my mind & owe no party the benefit of the doubt. President Trump is 110% correct about the DNC, Ellison's loss, & Bernie's as well.

So what now? Do you (not me) continue to believe in "Dem Enter?" Do you (not me) continue to play nice? Or do you join me & leave this God forsaken capitalist, bourgeoisie party. If & until the national democratic party & it's state branches truly become democratic, why stay? 

Everyone who feels ROBBED, NEGLECTED, & OVERLOOKED should seriously, seriously consider finding a party that REPRESENTS their values, not IGNORES them. 

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